Social risk management expert (Sosial risklərin idarə edilməsi üzrə ekspert)
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İş haqqında məlumat
- Conduct overall social risk management oversight during the implementation process of the project, support and advise PIU in addressing social risk related issues arising from physical works of the project as per WB Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) ESS1;
- Ensure all land acquisition and resettlement activities, if any, are implemented in compliance with (a) all applicable laws and regulations of the Government relating to land acquisition and involuntary resettlement; (b) the involuntary resettlement safeguards under World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESS5); and (c) all measures and requirements set forth in the ESF, Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and RAP; and any corrective or preventive actions set forth in the Project ESMP, C-ESMP, Corrective Action Plans and various safeguards monitoring reports;
- Implement social risk management related activities as outlined in the Project ESMP and C-ESMP;
- Supervise contractor operations and report to PIU that the contractor’s activities are complying with C-ESMP as well as SEP and LMP;
- Recommend actions to be taken based on the assessments (actions should be time-bound, specifying the parties responsible and the resources required, as well as performance indicators where applicable);
- Intermittent site visits to ensure that the measures taken to mitigate the social impacts are in line with the C-ESMP and comply with the terms and conditions of the contract. Recommend corrective action plans to address identified significant social risks and impacts;
- Assist in planning and implementation of the SEP;
- Undertake leading stakeholder engagement activities;
- Communicate and coordinate with Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Groups in the Project Area for any issues related to construction activities;
- Ensure proper recording and tracking of recorded grievances and coordinate the handling of grievances.
- Bachelor or higher degree in social sciences;
- Preferably minimum 7 years of relevant experience in projects in the power sector;
- Previous experience in international financed projects in Azerbaijan is an advantage;
- For expats the knowledge of Azerbaijani language is an advantage.
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