ADA University

Physics assistant professor (Fizika üzrə dosent)

Ə/h razılaşma ilə 76
Tam iş günü
Bakı, Azərbaycan
16.11.24 - 16.12.24

İş haqqında məlumat

  • Teaching lower division physics courses to undergraduate engineering majors, providing a high-quality educational experience;
  • Developing and refining course materials and laboratory experiments tailored to the content of the lower-division physics courses in the curriculum;
  • Conducting state-of-the-art research including in physics education and publishing results;
  • Mentoring and advising undergraduate students to foster their academic and professional growth;
  • Participating in the school and institutional service activities;
  • Click here to apply.


  • A Ph.D. in Physics, Physics Education, or a related field;
  • Excellent communication and organizational skills.
  • Strong interest and training in physics education;
  • Experience in teaching lower-division undergraduate physics courses, particularly to non-physics majors;
  • Experience in designing and developing educational physics labs;
  • Experience in effectively incorporating innovative web-based learning tools into physics teaching;
  • Publication record in the field of physics using an interdisciplinary approach in the areas of the School’s scope (including education);
  • Strong commitment to serving the university and society.

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